프로그레시브 -점진- (progressive -漸進-, Progressive -Zan Shin-)은
나에기 마코토 (
오가타 메구미 성우)와
나에기 코마루 (우치다 아야 성우)가 부르는 캐릭터 노래이다. <절대절망소녀 단간론파 Another Episode>의 엔딩 테마이기도 하다.
2015년 1월 28일에 같은 이름의 싱글 앨범 <
포이즌 -극약->과 두 곡의 오프-보컬 버전으로 출시되었다.
2017년 4월 12일, 앨범의 리마스터 버전이 출시되었다. 리마스터는 두 노래의 더 높은 음질로 구성되었다.
誰も切り捨てない 何も捨てはしない
I won't cut anyone off. I won't throw anything away.
痛みさえ 抱きしめてゆこう
Let's go while embracing even the pain...
...In order to dye the despair.
翳りゆく空見上げ 瓦礫の街へ歩き出す 君は
You, who looks up at the clouded sky while walking in the town of rubble
いつのまにそんな強い瞳めで 僕の背を押す 見えない未来へ
Since when did you become able to push me to an unknown future with such strong eyes?
"It's all right." I continue to wander.
"I'm here with you." In a labyrinth of contraptions and tricks.
"No matter where you are." Even though I don't have an answer.
"I have your back." So I can someday surely reach my destination.
誰も切り捨てない 何も捨てはしない
I won't cut anyone off. I won't throw anything away.
痛みさえ 抱きしめてゆくよ
I'll go while embracing even the pain.
(Always, I'm thinking about you)
何度でも確かめよう 燃えさかる炎ひの中で
We'll make sure, no matter how many times, amidst the flames that burn bright.
Let's hold up the light of hope...
...In order to dye the despair.
限りなく増す欲望 消えない怒りが紡ぎ出す 復讐リベンジ
Greed that increases without limit, and revenge that is spun by unending rage.
いつの日かきっと迫り来る 知恵の輪パズルリングが 解ける瞬間ときまで
Until the moment I can solve the puzzle ring that will surely close in on me someday...
"It's all right." I continue to waver.
"I'll go with you." In this obstacle race filled with traps.
"True to my heart." Even though there are no rails.
"I will keep hoping." So my wish will surely come true someday.
誰も傷つけない 何も手放さない
I won't hurt anyone. I won't let go of anything.
無謀だと 訓しっててもゆくよ
Even if I know that I'm being reckless.
(Always, I hope you're doing well)
何度でも選びゆこう 崩れさる炎ひの中で
We'll make the choice as many times as we need inside of the collapsing flames.
Let's hold up the light of hope...
...In order to melt away the despair.
Hiding the white night,
the black moon shines.
誰かの絶望が 生み出す希望
A hope someone's despair gives birth to.
Red eyes blink.
灰が空を覆っても< 進路みちはどこかに
Even if the ashes conceal the sky, the path is somewhere.
Absolutely, I won't give up.
誰も切り捨てない 何も捨てはしない
I won't cut anyone off. I won't throw anything away.
Let's hold up the light of hope...
痛みさえ 抱きしめてゆくよ
I'll go while embracing even the pain.
(Always, I'm thinking about you)
何度でも確かめよう 燃えさかる炎ひの中で
We'll make sure, no matter how many times, amidst the flames that burn bright.
Let's hold up the light of hope...
...In order to dye the despair.
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